You offended because many of your Facebook friends have not made you his best wishes on the day of your birthday? Do not blame them take it to yourself, that during the recording on the social network you have mistyped date of birth and then you have prevented your friends to get you greetings on the right day!
You ask if you can fix it? Of course. In the settings of your profile, there is a special option that allows you to change the day of the birthday for a limited number of times: just what you need. The change is effective immediately and can be done in a couple of clicks, or “tap” if you prefer to act as a smartphone or tablet rather than a PC.
What do you say? Are you ready to take action and correct the error that caused you so much sorrow? If your answer is yes, take five minutes of free time and discover with me how to change the date of birth on Facebook. You can find all the steps to be performed on a computer, smartphone and your tablet below. Happy reading and enjoy!

Change the date of birth on Facebook from PC
If you want to change the date of birth on Facebook using your PC, connected to Facebook, access your personal profile (if you have not already logged in) and click on your picture placed at the top right.
On the page that pops up, went to the card information (under the profile of the cover image), select the item overview on the left sidebar and click on the item Edit your basic information and contact that is on the right, just below the date of birth currently set in your Facebook account.
At this point, scroll the page that has opened up to the box with the basic information, place the mouse cursor on the field relative to the date of birth and click on the item Edit that appears on the right.
At this point, use the pull-down menu in its day, month and year to set your correct date of birth and takes advantage of the icons of the men on either side of the above menu to choose who to show the date of birth on Facebook: friends, all, only you or a selection of personalized contacts.
When you have completed filling out the form, put the check mark next to confirm that I have xx years, click on the button Save Changes and you’re done. I remind you that you can change the date of birth on Facebook only to a limited number of times, so before giving confirmation of the change be sure that the form fields are filled in all correctly.
Subsequently, you can change the level of privacy of your date of birth (that is, the audience to which to view the information on Facebook), coming back to your personal profile, selecting the card information and clicking on the first item Edit your basic information and contact and then on the entry Edit placed next to the field of date of birth.
You may also like to read another article on Blog-Collector: How not to get visibility on social networks
Change the date of birth on Facebook from smartphones
Facebook uses mainly from smartphone or tablet? No problem! If you want, you can change your date of birth and other personal information via the official app of the social network for Android, iOS and Windows Phone. Here, in detail, all the steps you need to accomplish.
After starting the Facebook app on your smartphone or on your tablet, presses on your photos (in the box where it says, “What are you thinking?”) And select the item Edit information or update info on your profile page staff.
On the page that opens, if you use an Android terminal, presses on the item other information, scroll the screen up to the panel dedicated to the basics and make “tap” on the Voice Edit located in the upper right. If you use an iPhone, however, go directly to the panel dedicated to the basics and presses on the entry Edit located in the upper right.
At this point, you just have to use the pull-down menus for a day, month and year to indicate your correct date of birth and icons of men to choose the audience to which to display the information (everyone, friends or a selection of personalized contacts) and presses the button < located at the top left to save the changes.
Change the date of birth of a page Facebook
You have created a Facebook page and would like to change the date marked as the beginning of its activities? Nothing easier, believe me. Sign in with Facebook from your computer, open the page for which you want to change the date of birth and select the item information from the left sidebar.
At this point, go with the mouse cursor to the Foundation (or even start, opening or date of birth) which is located under the heading Corporate (or information on the page) and click on the item Edit that appears on the right. Then use the drop-down menu that appears to set the new date of birth of the page, click the button Save and you’re done.
If you prefer to act as a smartphone, sorry but the official app of the Facebook Pages Manager for Android or iOS does not yet allow you to change the date of page creation.
If you want to change the date of foundation of a page via mobile phone, open Facebook from the browser (i.e. Chrome on Android or Safari on iOS), enables the desktop display of the site and proceed as I explained to you earlier about the computer. To enable desktop view of a site in Chrome just press the button (…) at the top right and select the option Request desktop site; to do that in Safari you have to press the icon of the sharing icon and select Request desktop site from the menu that pops up.