How can recognize if you are suffering from diabetes?


Diabetes is usually a silent disease and the symptoms are clearer in people with type 1 diabetes (when the body does not produce insulin), while in type 2 (insulin does not work in the body how it should be) are more difficult to Recognize, because they usually do not have any symptoms at the beginning and may not have them for many years.

However, there are several signs that our body sends us to suspect when you may be suffering from diabetes. Here are the seven main symptoms caused initially by high levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood. It should be noted that the symptoms described below are observed in acutely decompensated individuals with diabetes, that is, very high glycemia higher than 250 mg/dl permanently.

Here we write 7 tips to recognize you are suffering from diabetes

1. Urinating more than usual

diabetesThis is one of the most characteristic symptoms of diabetes. It occurs because the kidneys try to quickly remove excess glucose in the blood through the urine. You feel a desire to urinate frequently and in greater quantity. Continue reading: Three components of foods that can increase your appetite and push you to eat more

2. Having excessive thirst

diabetesAs a result of the loss of fluids due to the increase in the frequency of urinations, the person feels excessive thirst that is a defense mechanism to try to replenish fluids.

3. Feeling excessive hunger

diabetesDue to the lack of insulin, the body cannot take advantage of the sugar that is accumulating in the blood, which the cells use as energy. Then, the brain sends signals to the body to eat more and thus compensate for the lack of energy. In this way, the person feels intense hunger, eats more but can not compensate for the lack or ineffectiveness of insulin. Keep reading

4. Losing weight for no apparent reason

diabetesEating more than usual does not prevent the weight loss that may occur to the adult who has symptoms of diabetes.

An adult can lose between 5 to 10 kilos in two or three months due to the insufficiency of insulin can not transform glucose into energy.

Thus, the body looks for other sources of fuel, for example, other cells begin to obtain energy from the reserves of fat and proteins in the muscles.

5. Feeling tired or tired during the day

diabetesThis is a common signal for all types of diabetes. The loss of weight and fluids manifests in the person through a feeling of fatigue or fatigue. The body performs additional tasks to manage excess glucose, which affects fatigue, drowsiness, and even irritability.

6. Blurred vision

diabetesHigh levels of blood sugar also lead to a decrease in visual acuities, such as distorted vision, due to lens edema and if the disease takes many years and with poor control, the retina can be affected, this can lead to blindness or in permanent damage to vision.

7. Stomach pain, vomiting or nausea

diabetesThese symptoms are part of ketoacidosis, a condition that arises when the body searches for other sources of energy in proteins and fats because there is not enough glucose. Fats are broken down into acids called ketones, which in large quantities are toxic, accumulate in the blood and come out in the urine. In people with type 1 diabetes who have not yet received the diagnosis, this is a warning signal.

Keep these signals in mind as a timely diagnosis and timely treatment help avoid the complications of the most advanced stages of this disease.

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