We spend the day online. Wake up, work, leisure time are marked by notifications and pop ups that would curb our vocation to multitasking. We live on social sharing often thought that probably no one would in other contexts importance. We update web pages planning new advertising campaigns that call advertising is now too vintage as the canvassing, cold calling and the dear old leaflets. We know people, entities, companies, communities and products by adding contacts to our network with gusts click compulsive. The web is everywhere and it’s never been so tangible as now. We find it in the app synchronized with the bus stop, the VR viewers through the paper posted in the shoemaker’s shop window that warns you that it is now on Facebook and Instagram. It happens thanks to the web. It is also happening right now.

Internet Is The Result Of The Efforts Of People In The Flesh
The web pioneers have given us a futuristic communication tool and the potential devastating. A space-time bridge unthinkable a half century ago when, so to speak, in certain offices haughtily the technological gap to send us a fax as well. The triple w revolution began quietly. First among insiders, then in the forum, through the mails checked once a week for the lucky ones who were in the office connection, P2P and legal battle between Napster and Metallica, social channels, e-commerce, Pokemon Go …
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Who has the honor of sitting in the Olympus web?
Characters who will introduce the following have played a decisive role in the development of the Internet. Maybe you not ever have heard and barely remember their names. Thanks to these pioneers on the Web today is not minimize to a simple tool for exchanging data in bit-rate higher and higher. Otherwise, you might as well use a fax!

Tim Berners-Lee
Timothy John Berners-Lee, born in 1955, London and graduated in physics. At the end of 1980, thanks to a collaboration with CERN, offers Inquire, a project that takes its name from a book of 1856, which brought together disparate information on etiquette and good manners, preparing cakes, interventions of first aid and home secrets, in short, an ancestor of the current tutorial. At the base of Tim’s work is the concept of hypertext, a network of documents in relation to each other by means of keywords. The researcher aspired to create a space accessible to everyone where it was just as easy to capture and share information. Nine years later from these assumptions will come the World Wide Web as an information service to the scientific community sharing system. On August 6, 1991 it was put online the first website info.cern.ch. Timothy John Berners-Lee is considered one of the most important people of the last century and continues today to pursue his research for a Web more and more intelligent.

Håkon Wium Lie
Håkon Wium Lie, Norwegian web pioneer, has worked alongside Tim Berners-Lee. It is the inventor of CSS Cascading Style Sheets, Cascading Style Sheets, and a formatting language to organize and make the contents of the HTML pages more comprehensible. A solution that is still used today and is the basis of the design of websites. Håkon Wium Lie is a strong supporter of a web for everyone and thinks that the work is just beginning, billions of people are still not online, there are many challenges including the one for managing fonts in all languages.

Brendan Eich
Brendan Eich is one of those examples of how working quietly you can do great things. The American programmer described by the New York Times a genius half artist and half a hacker in just 10 days developed a scripting language originally called Mochan and later renamed JavaScript. Without his contribution the web today would be a sadder place and not very interactive. In 1998 Eich was one of the co-founders of the project Mozilla from which was born as a result of the Firefox web browser.

Ray Tomlinson
Ray Tomlinson was the inventor of modern e-mail with the introduction of the @ symbol to identify the sender and recipient. After graduating in electronic engineering in 1963 from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy she earned a master’s degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). In the early seventies, he designed the first of mail communication system through ARPANET. However, he not collected a big success because personal computers were not available to everyone and very few users had access to the network. Things changed dramatically with the birth of the web that Tomlinson threw directly into the Internet Hall of Fame.

Ward Cunningham
Ward Cunningham, born in 1949, is an American father of the Wiki programmer that is the collaborative web platform that allows users to modify and enrich online content. Wiki is a term that in the Hawaiian language means fast or very fast. Ward Cunningham it borrowed from the name used for the Honolulu airport shuttle bus. His invention is considered vital to the spread of public knowledge accessible. Online is still consulted Portland Pattern Repository in which appeared the first wiki software.

Phil Zimmermann
Philip R. Zimmermann, an engineer specializing in cryptography and data security, is the creator of Pretty Good Privacy software to send encrypted email. The name refers to a grocery store in Lake Wobegon, the fictional hometown of the radio host Garrison Keillor. With the spread of PGP, Zimmermann was being investigated by the US government for violation of export restrictions for cryptographic software. Zimmermann’s latest challenge is called instead of Silent Circle, a technology born at the end of 2011 and designed specifically to allow soldiers overseas to get in safely touch with their families.

David Axmark
Today the widespread dissemination of Internet sites that make use of the database would be unthinkable without the invention of the Swede David Axmark that contributed to the creation of free software MySQL. Most Content Management System the most popular CMS in the world, WordPress, Joomla and Drupal, and many other portals including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube in fact are born with this database management system.