Tips For Responsible Gun Ownership

Owning a gun comes with a lot of responsibility. Guns are meant for protection but can become unsafe when in the wrong hands. If you have decided to get your concealed weapon permit, you should consider some of the following tips below for being a responsible gun owner. Whenever you purchase guns, such as when looking for a glock 17 gen 2 for sale, only purchase from reputable dealers like the one found at

Practice At Home

Before going out in public, it is best to practice wearing your gun and holsters around your home. Whether you are a first-time gun owner or are trying to get used to a new kind of gear, it is best to get used to anything new in the privacy of your own home before you take it out in public. Be sure you are comfortable with basic actions such as sitting and going to the restroom before you leave.

Stop Making It Obvious You Have A Weapon

Most people are obsessed with concealment. This is because guns cause a lot of fear for many people who aren’t used to them. When out in public, most people will not notice you have a gun on your hip underneath your shirt or jacket. What people will end up noticing is if you can’t stop fidgeting with your clothes because you are worried someone may see a part of your gun. Relax and stop messing with your shirt.

Don’t Dry Fire And Then Put Ammo In

Dry fire sessions are important for practice. When you finish a session, it is important to take at least 10 minutes or more for a mental break before you reload your gun and put it back on yourself. The reason behind this is to help create a mental separation between actually carrying a loaded gun and having a dry fire session.

These are just a few basic tips to keep in mind as a responsible gun owner. The right to carry a concealed weapon is a privilege. It should never be taken lightly.