Ways in which you can protect yourself from fraud

There has never been a more important time to take steps to prevent fraud, with a huge increase in online scams targeting people in all sorts of ways in recent years. There are several things you can do to protect your possessions and finances, which we’ll cover in this guide.

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Secure your devices

Fraudsters can steal details of online accounts from devices such as smartphones through hacking, viruses and theft, so it’s important to regularly check your settings. Top tips include:

.       Don’t store password or pin information in an obvious place on your smartphone.

.       Log out of all online accounts and lock your device after using.

.       If you can, lock your SIM to stop it being used if your phone is stolen or lost.

.       Use biometrics like face or fingerprint recognition.

Keep your identity safe

If someone steals your identity, they can take over many aspects of your life, including your bank accounts. By pretending to be you, they can do what they want with your money, not just spending it, but applying for loans in your name.

Signs that you have had your ID stolen include odd payments on your credit cards and accounts and unexpected post. It could lead to poor credit history, being chased by debt collectors and in the worst-case scenario, losing your home.

The Government advises that in order to prevent property fraud, owners can apply for a Form LL restriction. This appears in the title register of the property and helps prevent someone who has obtained documents in the owner’s name from defrauding a lender or buyer. It means they will have to first prove to a conveyancer that they are the real owner and therefore acts as a deterrent. A legal firm such as https://www.parachutelaw.co.uk/form-ll-land-registry-restriction can help you navigate this process and get it put into place.

Create strong passwords

It’s important to have different passwords for every website and account and they should be strong and not easy to crack. Begin with your email account before creating strong passwords for your banking and social media and other accounts such as shopping websites. If a hacker gets into one account and you use the same password, they will instantly have access to all your online accounts, be able to message others pretending to be you and take control of your accounts by resetting your passwords.

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Joseph Brown

Joseph Brown