What are a Landlord’s Responsibilities When Providing Appliances?

Providing appliances in your rental unit can be a headache for both you and your tenant. There are several factors to consider before deciding if this is the right move for your business. You will need to determine how competitive your market is. If you are a landlord, you may choose to provide your tenants with major appliances like refrigerators and washing machines, but decide whether to include smaller items such as microwaves and ovens. If you are a tenant, you will have to decide whether or not you want to maintain the landlord’s major appliances.

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A lease agreement is a good starting point for determining what you are responsible for. Most landlords supply appliances such as a washer and oven and they are also responsible for fixing or replacing such appliances.

You should also make sure that you have a good rental contract to guide you through any disputes. In the event of an emergency, you should be able to contact your management company or landlord and obtain the name of a qualified contractor. Any appliances that are provided with the accommodation must be PAT tested for safety. For pat testing cheltenham, contact a site like blu-fish.co.uk/landlord-and-letting-services-cheltenham/pat-portable-appliance-testing-cheltenham/

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You might be surprised to learn that the lease has a section dedicated to landlord maintenance. Ideally, you should make sure that your property is maintained in a safe and sanitary manner. If you have gas appliances, you will need to make sure that the gas line is in good working order and organise annual gas safety checks for the rental property. You should also look into the fire code in your area to make sure that you are following the rules.

If your unit has a microwave or a stove, your landlord may have to replace it with a new one should it break down. You should also have a written contract detailing the cost of repairs and a note of any maintenance that you have carried out. You may be liable for the cost of repairs if you do not have a written contract or a signed agreement.

You may have noticed that many of the larger rental properties will have a microwave and fridge. This is because these are popular amenity items in the rental market. The good news is that you can often get a better deal on a rental if you are willing to provide your own appliances so this is definitely an important consideration.


Jeffrey Bowman

Jeffrey Bowman