Our hearing is one of the most important senses we possess, enabling us to communicate with the world around us. There are many factors which can affect our hearing, from something easily fixed such as blocked ears, through to aging and even conditions such as diabetes.
Fortunately, audiologists are experts in helping you with any aspect of your hearing, so if you notice any changes to your hearing, such as muffled sounds or a ringing in the ears, do get in touch with a hearing specialist.
When do I contact an audiologist?
It can be difficult to identify a gradual change in your hearing according to the NHS, but if you notice that you are having to ask people to repeat themselves more often or you feel tired from straining to hear things, do get in touch with a hearing specialist.
What can an audiologist do to help?
An audiologist Taunton or other locations, such as www.imperialhearing.com/audiologist-near-me/taunton, can accurately diagnose any condition associated with the ears and provide appropriate support in recovering.
An audiologist will begin by taking a full history of your hearing issues. They will then be able to determine the level of hearing loss and decide what is the best course of action. This may be as simple as changing some lifestyle factors – stopping smoking or dietary changes for example – right through to prescribing devices to help you with your hearing.
If, after the hearing test, your audiologist has diagnosed a problem, they will be able to support you with strategies to enable you to continue communicating effectively with your family, friends and colleagues. This can be as simple as turning to face the person speaking, how to lipread with success, and how to handle noisy environments without too much difficulty.
An audiologist is also able to prescribe and fit a hearing device if need be. But do not fear – modern hearing devices are lightweight and comfortable, and they enable people to enjoy a normal level of hearing once again.