Some metals like copper conduct both heat and electricity so can be a very productive element to use in electrical equipment such as wiring and motors. Due to its conductivity copper can also be used in computer wiring, telephone cables, electric generators, household appliances, radios, and televisions. Copper Pipe is mainly used in construction for air-conditioning pipes, water supply lines, and cooling systems. Supplied by a professional company such as copper pipe is incredibly durable, very dependable and because it is highly corrosion resistant is often used in underground applications.
Copper is a tough, lightweight, and durable metal, it lasts longer than PVC, it can fit into tight spaces, is resistant to vibration and so can be used effectively in earthquake zones. To transport both water and gas, copper piping is by far the best metal and most effective material to use. Being lead free and cheaper than steel, copper is also able to withstand 1,000psi pressure which makes it incredibly durable. Copper can be used to make jewellery, tools, door handles, tabletops, railings, and musical instruments. Being malleable and easy to work with, copper can be hammered into very thin sheets and then cut into small wires without the risk of it breaking.
Did you know that copper is believed to be the very first metal detected by humans over 10,000 years ago? It is one of the most abundant metals and can be easily combined with other metals to form different alloys. A large global industry, the production of copper can determine the economic wealth of a country. A rare phenomenon, (known as the oligodynamic effect) of copper is that it can break down particular single-celled organisms that can produce harmful proteins and this makes it anti-bacterial and very important in the prevention of infections. As far back as the Romans and the Egyptians copper was used to disinfect surgical tools and clean dressings. With the whole world in turmoil over the effects of Global Warming and Governments trying to encourage businesses and individuals to re-cycle, reduce waste, and reuse products, the fact that all copper is recyclable makes it one of the most eco-friendly metals that can be used.