Traditional Seder Plate Items

The Seder plate is an important part of the Passover meal. Each item on the plate has a specific meaning and historical significance. These traditional Seder plate items are used to help educate on the significance of the Passover holiday. Often, the plate is decorated with unusual objects that call attention to current social issues or the marginalised voices of LGBTQ communities, such as an orange.

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Usually, the Seder plate will include six items. Each item represents one of the main aspects of the Passover. It also contains some common items that are used throughout the holiday. Some families will also have symbols on their Seder plate, such as olives, which represent the hope for peace in the Middle East. When you need Seder Plates, visit a site like

Traditionally, the Seder plate is accompanied by a bowl of salt water. This is used as the first dip of the Seder. However, it is not a part of the Seder itself. Salt water symbolises the tears of the Jewish people when they were enslaved in Egypt.

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Another item on the seder plate is a hard-boiled egg. While the egg is not eaten during the meal itself, it is dipped in the salt water. Many cultures believe that the egg represents life and renewal.

Charoset is another symbol on the seder plate. Charoset is a sweet mixture of apples, nuts, wine and cinnamon. It symbolises the mortar that the Hebrew slaves in Egypt used to build pyramids and is also an important symbol on the seder plate.

Jeffrey Bowman

Jeffrey Bowman