The inventions of Ctesibius of Alexandria.

We owe so much of our modern world to the works of the Ancient Greeks. They were able to pool together all of the knowledge of the Middle Eastern and Indian civilisations that had been before them and apply them to their society. One of the these was Ctesibius of Alexandria. He was able to theorise the use of pneumatics and hydraulics. He could not use a Hydraulic Power Unit, like those from Hydra Products, but if he’d access it, he would.

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The noble Ctesibus is known primarily for his work on pneumatics. His work is so influential he is seen as the father of pneumatics. However, this was just one part of his work. He was also one of the first to use the power of Hydraulics for practical use. It was something that empowered everyone, and it was quite ingenious.

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The hydraulis was his first invention; a musical instrument played like an organ. However, it used a natural flow of water or a rudimentary pump to force the air up and out of the pipes. This allowed it to be played to groups of people. It was like the first church organ. His other hydraulic invention was the water clock. He is also responsible for theorising using water to lift and raise well levels. An example of this was found in Silchester in Roman Britain.

Jeffrey Bowman

Jeffrey Bowman