In the UK, it is thought that a burglary occurs every 40 seconds! The impact of burglary is much deeper than a loss of personal possessions but also robs people of their feelings of security within their own home, a place that should signify safety and protection.
Studies carried out by Victim Support have found that 81% of burglary victims feel emotionally impacted by the crime, with 21% feeling highly impacted. So, what can be the impact of this crime?
Of course, everyone will react differently but some emotions that are shared by victims include sorrow, fear and anger. It can result in feelings of vulnerability, fear and considerable distress. Many people are angry at themselves for leaving a door or window unsecured or if they were caught out by a distraction burglary. It’s important not to blame yourself though and quickly re-secure your building with the help of a Locksmith Dublin way such as
Factors which make the experience more traumatic could include previous being burgled, the amount of damage that’s been done to the property, if you live on your own, already suffer with anxiety or were present inside the house when the burglary took place. Seeing smashed windows further cements the feelings of being violated.
Immediate reactions that can be experienced on discovering you’ve been burgled include shaking, panic, shock, crying and feeling scared. A burglary threatens the very sanctity of the home as being a safe and secure place. Many victims fear being the victim again, of the perpetrator returning and are too afraid to be alone in the property for some time following the crime. Sleep can be disturbed, especially for those living alone and children.
Most burglaries are opportunistic, occurring during the day when people are out. Stepping up your security measures can be a useful deterrent to those thieves looking for a quick opportunity. Think about lights on a timer as a first step.
Former burglars have been asked what is most likely to deter them from breaking into a property. Deterrents included CCTV, heavy, secure doors, TVs playing, barking dogs and window locks. If you can’t have all of these, perhaps work on one or two for peace of mind.
When it comes to security, we are not always as safe as we think. Our locks and windows might not be as secure as they were when first installed. Outdated locking mechanisms can be easy to disable by seasoned burglars. It is also beneficial not to rely on just one security feature but implement a few for added layers of security.
We might also assume our valuables are safe if they cannot be seen. All of the common hiding places are well-known by burglars, such as sock drawers, under beds, freezers and the back of wardrobes. Ideally, a fireproof safe that’s bolted down is the best place to store your valuables.