Get Your Garden Winter-Ready

Now the colder weather and darker nights are closing in, it’s time to think about getting our gardens ready for winter. Here are some top tips for looking after your plants and garden features this winter so they’ll be looking their best come spring:

1.    Borders

Make sure you trim back your perennials as close to the ground as possible when they start to die back. Rid your garden of any annuals that have had their day, remove dead foliage, weeds and leaves. If you have a compost bin, now is the time to empty the contents and spread over fresh soil. This will make it look nicer over the winter and prepare the ground for spring.

2.    Trees

Trim back any branches that have become overgrown to improve the shape and do the same to any hedges before the frost descends. It’s important to cut back diseased or damaged branches from trees otherwise the stems might rub together and cause damage or deformities. Once these things have been tidied up, it’s a great opportunity to carry out any maintenance work that might need doing before it gets freezing. This might include work on fencing, a greenhouse or getting your summerhouse prepared for use during the winter. For Summer Houses Northern Ireland, visit

3.    Water Features

Just before the leaves start falling from the trees, around the end of September, cover a pond or water feature with some netting to prevent it being clogged up with dead leaves. Late autumn is an ideal time to tackle a murky pond. If you have fish in your pond, try not to let the water surface completely freeze over. Floating a ball on the water’s surface will help you with this as it prevents the ice from forming.

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4.    Bulbs

 Spring time bulbs need to be planted before winter kicks in. Ideally, you’ll want slow-release nutrients in the soil to last the winter months so add in lots of bone meal and sharp sand. Remember to plant at a depth of at least 2-3 times the length of the bulb itself. The same rule goes for the space between bulbs as well.

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5.    Lawn

A good idea to winterise your lawn is to go over it with a rake to rid it of moss and thatch. This means your grass will grow more freely and breathe better. If there is a lot of moss, you might need to use a spike aerator to help with potential drainage issues. Treat the lawn with some specially designed autumn lawn feed and moss killer to ensure it stays in tip-top shape for spring.

6.    Pathways

Firstly, you’ll want to sweep away all leaves and debris and any paving would benefit from a wash down with a stiff brush a warm soapy water. If there is a frost, this will help to keep the path less slippery and safer to walk on. If you have a pressure washer, then this will work just as well too.