6 Reasons to get into Yoga


Yes, everyone knows someone around them who practices Yoga. If the practice was not widespread a few years ago, relaxation becomes fashionable and has more and more followers. We have gathered for you 6 good reasons to try Yoga before making a judgment.

1. Yoga, an accessible sport

To start or try, no special prerequisites; however, it is advisable to seek the advice of your doctor, especially if you have a history of heart or joint pain.

yogaSo you can quickly start Yoga by letting you for example guide one of the many introductory videos on the web to get an idea for yourself! One of the benefits of Yoga being the choice of level of difficulty, you will be able to begin slowly before becoming an expert after some time. You may continue reading: Lenovo records your physical activity directly from the shoes, there are plenty of lights or wireless charging

2. An alternative to more violent sports

Fed up with bruises or repeated injuries, yoga is for you! Many people have suffered at least one more or less serious injury in recent years within some cases “relapses”, yoga allows these people to recover all their faculties without harming the joints very (or too much) solicited in some other sports.

3. No need for investment to start

yogaWe are very far from the investments needed to start figure skating or ice hockey, for example. As you understand, no specific equipment is needed to start or try Yoga! It takes just the will, then you just need to put on a comfortable outfit to feel comfortable to finally start. With time (and envy) the biggest investment you will probably have to make will be the purchase of a yoga mat or ball. So we can say that you will not break your piggy bank to practice this sport.

4. Less stress: it’s not a competition!

In some cases, competition is an adrenaline factor. Conversely, many negative effects can be felt with pressure, especially with stress and anger. During yoga sessions, you are not under an obligation of results and performance, so you can let go and progress at your own pace. All this in order to learn to breathe without pressure. The most important is the feeling of your body, to better understand it.

5. Facilitated learning Yoga expertise

yogaTelevision, Internet, etc. Nowadays, it is easy to find yoga classes of all levels everywhere. What to make accessible this practice to a maximum of people. In addition to the abundance of videos that can be found, it is the wealth of practice that is its strength. Many styles of Yoga are practiced, it is easier to find “shoe to his foot” by trying different types.

6. One can choose his “type” of Yoga

Hatha Yoga:

It is very often the one that is used to begin. This is the common basis for different types of Yoga (many other Yoga styles are based on postures from Hatha Yoga). This type of Yoga is neither too fast nor too slow, it will allow you to familiarize yourself with the discipline smoothly. The main idea is to free your mind by creating a connection with your body to better manage your breathing through a set of postures.

Yoga Iyengar:

This Yoga takes its name from the Yogi BKS Lyengar disappeared in 2014 (he was 95 years old). Although demanding, it remains accessible to the majority of us, it is enough to have motivation. Iyengar Yoga has an approach that could be defined as being more therapeutic. For a peace of mind, care must be taken of the health of the body. The major difference lies in the amplitude of the postures, which allows acting deep in the fibers of your muscles, not only on the surface.

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