Tiredness, restless sleep and trouble concentrating? Be careful, you could be suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome! Daily activities lead to a hectic lifestyle marked by stress and this could interfere with your well-being.
Stress is the mental fatigue caused by the demand for performance much higher than normal. This triggers a series of symptoms that diminish your well-being. Chronic fatigue syndrome is a long-term disorder caused by pain in the muscles of the body, fatigue, and difficulty sleeping. These symptoms do not improve with rest.
All these symptoms interfere with a person’s normal and healthy lifestyle. They make difficult the daily and simple tasks. In addition, this could lead to other diseases because the lack of rest lowers the body’s defenses.
Many scientific societies consider this syndrome as a public health problem because it is one of the causes of cardiovascular, renal and psychological diseases.
Knowing that you suffer from chronic fatigue is a challenge because the diagnosis is not simply due to the multiple factors that can cause it. The doctor must make a health history that includes your current family, personal and work condition, as well as the frequency of appearance of the symptoms and if these interfere with your quality of life.
Once other diseases such as anemia or infections have been ruled out, through examinations of complete laboratories, we proceed to offer the patient multiple treatment alternatives. As always, nature always offers options to treat diseases and chronic fatigue is no exception.
Take note of these 5 medicinal plants against chronic fatigue
1. Siberian ginseng
The Siberian ginseng plant helps to restore energy. It is considered a great tool to improve physical capacity, muscle strength, and endurance. That is why it is so popular in countries like China and Russia.
Its use in energy drinks demonstrates its benefits against stress. It increases energy and vitality, and also strengthens the immune system.
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2. St. John’s Wort
Combat insomnia and depression caused by this is another fundamental pillar in the treatment. The use of St. John’s wort is recommended for the relief of these symptoms.
This is a yellow flower medicinal plant with antidepressant properties. Its use is beneficial as a treatment for anxiety, attention deficit, and affective disorders. It is also effective in soothing nerves and muscle aches.
3. Ginkgo biloba
Lack of concentration and memory are other problems quite common in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Combating them with Ginkgo biloba is a natural and quite effective option to restore mental capacity.
This medicinal plant, often used in Chinese medicine, helps improve brain circulation. It establishes greater neuronal connections and helps fight amnesia and brain aging problems.
Due to its benefits, it is frequently used as a coadjuvant treatment for diseases such as Alzheimer’s, senile dementia and Parkinson’s.
4. Schizandra
Schizandra is a plant that stimulates the central nervous system by promoting a positive response to stress, improving mental clarity and rapidity of reflexes. This plant is used as part of natural medicine for the treatment of stress in countries such as Russia, China, Japan, and Korea.
Its effects are beneficial as a kidney tonic and an antidepressant since it stimulates a better physical performance in our daily activities. In addition, a great antioxidant effect has been found by optimizing liver functions and strengthening the immune system.
Licorice, on the other hand, constitutes another natural alternative. It is a herbaceous used in Europe and tropical Asia as a condiment and ingredient of sweets and candies.
Its pleasant smell and its characteristic sweet taste allow its easy intake of tablets or infusion to counteract adrenal exhaustion due to overproduction of stress hormones. It raises the spirit and helps to fight the depression by diminishing the symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Currently, there is no definitive cure for chronic fatigue syndrome. The relief of symptoms will depend on working together with your doctor. Likewise, strengthening healthier lifestyles such as exercise, good sleep habits and the reduction of stressful activities helps to lead a positive and relaxed daily routine.
An optimal treatment is based on family support and self-care. Correct bad habits and maintain a more harmonious lifestyle with yourself and your environment.
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