To harness the innate creativity of each individual requires making changes in our daily routine in our work.
It is necessary to break with all those destructive habits that limit our creative potential , such as spending much of the day in email or give in to the persistent distractions.
Freeing our creativity
- Time to think
To start, take time to think and reflect quietly. It involves applying mindfulness practices to understand our cognitive process and release our creative process.
- Managing stress
Learning to manage stress on their shortcomings and failures. Obviously this is much more difficult to apply in those profiles aimed at achieving objectives, but no one can be creative without fail.
- Focus on what makes you happy
Positive emotions you feel when you are connected to both our personal, professional and organizational as favoring guide our creative process in the interests of the organization, even when things are difficult.
In short, ** you cannot be creative in our work if we do not manage stress produced by our performance ** and ** not ** take time to reflect on what we do, because, menus we focus on the urgent and not what is important.