University isn’t for everyone, though it’s often marketed that way. Sometimes, it can be isolating so you might find that you want to go to one closer to home. At other times, it’s just not for some people at all, and they might want to leave and go straight into work. This is a difficult decision to make, both financially and mentally, and it can really take a toll on your well-being. Here is what you can consider if the university you picked isn’t all you hoped that it would be.
#1 Consider getting a transfer
You might want to consider getting a transfer to another university. This is important for those that feel like the particular university that they chose doesn’t fit well with them. This is a key part of your education and finding the right university is crucial, but you shouldn’t feel like you are trapped for four years going to a university that you hate.
By looking on sites such as, you can find the admission details for any of the universities to see if you have what it takes to get in somewhere you will enjoy a lot more than where you are currently located.
#2 You need to think about other options
You might want to consider dropping out or taking a year out and then restarting your current year back over. This is something that can actually be really helpful, and it can be incredibly beneficial to your mental health. Taking this sort of break can help you catch up with yourself, especially if something big happens and you need to take time out because your studies are no longer at the top of your priority list.
#3 Apprenticeships
You might want to use your university network to see if you can get an apprenticeship instead. Maybe, you feel that starting an apprenticeship and then going into university might feel like a better pathway for you in the end. It all depends on how you feel you would prefer to learn, what you feel more comfortable doing, and if you want to work and learn at the same time. Not everybody learns the same way and finding this out is an important part of your educational process, especially at a vital point like your university education.
#4 Maybe the course isn’t right for you
You might find that the course you chose isn’t right for you. This can be a problem, but you can easily switch around your courses at the beginning of the year. This can be something that can affect any student, so don’t think you’re the first person to do this, and you won’t be the last either. It might even come down to the fact that you don’t like the teacher, or the class is a bit too rowdy for you to concentrate. This can be something that you don’t particularly want to do, but it might be a better move for you in the long run, not only for your education, but for your mental health too.